The Love Languages Rediscovered

The Love Languages Rediscovered

If you haven’t heard of Love Languages yet, now is the time.  Dr. Gary Chapman has created the concept of Love Languages and has since published his book that has since become a bestseller and recommended gift to many.  What is your Love Language? This quiz...
BDSM Basics that Everybody Needs to Know

BDSM Basics that Everybody Needs to Know

Did you know that BDSM could make your sex better? Here’s what the science says!  A 2013 study (Wismeijer & van Assen, 2013) found that individuals who engage in BDSM play were less neurotic, more extraverted, more open to new experiences, more conscientious,...

How to Improve Your Mental Health with Sex

Did you know that sex can help your mental health?  May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we want to tell you 6 ways that sex (and masturbation!) can help improve your mental health and overall wellbeing.  Sex and Mental Health Sex and mental health go...
What’s New? Ain’t No Mystery!

What’s New? Ain’t No Mystery!

Well, if we’re being technical about it – it is a mystery, but the most fun kind of mystery… EngErotics is now offering Mystery Boxes!  The ULTIMATE way to maximize your budget! Our Mystery Boxes feature luxury toys, CBD self-care products, and...